Turpentine and Kerosene Alternative Cancer Treatments: Your Complete Guide

Turpentine pine tree alternative cancer treatment

Turpentine and Kerosene have been used medicinally since ancient times and are being used by poorer countries like Russia, Eastern Europe, and Africa to this day.  In ancient Babylon, petrolium distillates were used to treat stomach problems, inflammation and ulcers.  A recent study in Nigeria found that almost 70 per cent of its population use…

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Studies Show Crops Enhanced with Ocean Minerals Superior in Every Way

Food crops o ocean mineral fertilizer superior

Twentieth-century Scientist and medical doctor Maynard Murray was perplexed that although Americans were living longer than ever before, chronic illness, degenerative diseases and physiological suffering were steadily increasing.  On his quest for the key to improve human health, Dr. Murray began by studying animal species that do not get cancer. Dr. Murray discovered that sea…

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