10 Ways Eating Grass Fed Beef Can Save The World

grass fed beef

Last summer I volunteered at a local farm just outside of town called Brookfront Farms.  They produce 100% grass fed beef and lots of fruit and vegetables using unconventional methods.  These farmers don’t feed their cows grains – only grass – and they don’t spray poison on their vegetables.  What a concept!  Food that isn’t…

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The Damaging Effects of Unsaturated Fats

Vegetable oil dangers unsaturated fat

“Cancer cannot exist in the human body unless there are unsaturated fats in the diet.” – Dr. Ray Peat Unsaturated fats are one of the most toxic and damaging components of a modern diet, and the list of harmful effects from the consumption of polyunsaturated fats (PUFA) is vast. As you’ll find out in this…

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What is Kombucha and How to Make it


“Humans have been fermenting longer than we’ve been writing words or cultivating the soil.” – Sandor Ellix Katz Kombucha is a sour tonic fermented beverage, like rejuvelac and kvass, with the incredible power to heal your gut, protect your from chemicals entering your body, and retrain your immune system.  Kombucha is sweetened black tea cultured…

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The Miracle of Raw Milk and How it Cures

Raw milk miracle

“Milk is one of the most easily digested and assimilated foods, containing ample amounts of substances required for the growth of tissues and organs and the repair of worn-out cells.” -Bernarr Macfadden The following is an exerpt from The Miracle of Milk published in 1924 by Bernarr Macfadden.  The milk used was, in all cases,…

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The Incredible, Edible Egg Yolk

egg yolk incredible healthy

Pastured, organic eggs are one of the most nutritious foods available, and contain all the protein, fat, vitamins and minerals that a baby bird needs in order to grow up strong enough to break out of its hard shell. “Egg consumption has been held up as one of the important factors we need to avoid…

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170 Evidence-Based Reasons Why Soy is Damaging to Your Health

Soy beans toxic damaging

With a mountain scientific data available showing that soy is a highly toxic, estrogenic and goitrogenic bean, it shocks me how many folks are still on the “soy is good for you” bandwagon – even people who should know better like your doctor! I just got an email from a reader the other day who…

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The Autoimmune Disease Myth

Autoimmune disease affects 23.5 million people in the US and millions more worldwide, yet the medical industry has no idea what causes it. Mainstream theory states that the immune system has gone haywire and is attacking the patient’s own tissues. But of course this is yet another mythology of pop culture, and the real cause…

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The Dangers of Fasting and Starvation

the dangers of fasting and starvation

Fasting has been done for hundreds if not thousands of years by people for religious reasons and has recently become a popular activity among people wanting to improve their physical health. Does fasting benefit the body or is it perpetuating stress and making their health worse? To fast is to go without food, to go…

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Longevity Secrets of The Naked Mole Rat

naked mole rat longevity lifespan

The naked mole rat is the longest-living rodent known and can live an astonishing 16x longer than regular rats.  But that’s just the tip of the iceberg!  Naked mole rats are immune to environmental chemicals, they don’t feel pain when being burnt with acid and in their natural habitats they are immune to cancer. In…

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