12 Powerful Antibiotics That Don’t Require a Prescription

Oranges antibiotics

In this article you’ll learn about 12 natural antibiotics that you can use to quickly and safely clear an infection. No matter how hard you try to strengthen your immune system and protect your family, sometimes infections happen. When prescription antibiotics are available, the safest and best is tetracycline for its anti-cancer effects and probably…

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Garlic 100x Better at Fighting Food Poisoning than Antibiotics


Garlic may be the best weapon against a type of bacteria responsible for millions of cases of food poisoning in the United States every year, according to a medical study. Researchers from Washington State University discovered that a compound found in garlic was 100 times more effective than antibiotics at killing Campylobacter, most common cause…

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10 Things People Have No Clue Are Inside Conventional Meat

Processed meat factory farmed regenerative agriculture

Don’t buy most of your foods from a farming using regenerative agricultural practises?  Maybe this article will motivate you to make the change. There’s no question that pasture-raised animal foods are among the healthiest things we can eat.  They are a complete and easily-digestable source of protein which includes an abundance of vitamins and minerals…

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